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Our Story

Ubud Serenity was started by long-time Bali enthusiasts, Jo and Amanda, as a way of sharing their beloved Ubud with forty-plus women during a bespoke itinerary of world-class yoga, indulgent spa treatments, and fabulous healthy food. Friends from school, Jo and Amanda have had extensive experience pampering themselves in the tropical paradise of Ubud, Bali and between them have clocked up many hours of yoga classes, massages and spa-treatments! In their 50’s, Jo and Amanda understand what women of a certain age want and would love to treat you to an Ubud experience that will leave you feeling blissfully REFRESHED, RELAXED and RENEWED.




Meet Your Guide


Jo is originally from Sydney now living in Melbourne and is grateful to have travelled extensively and lived in Canada and the UK from a young age.


When Jo is not working as a powerhouse administrator within a busy corporate sector, she teaches Slow Flow and Yin Yoga and has a small group of students who have loyally stayed with her over the last 9 years.


In a previous life, Jo was a locations scout for TV commercials, now putting those skills to work finding those hidden gems in Bali.​  Her first trip to Bali was over 35 years ago with a group of good friends, including her long term friend and collaborator, Amanda. She has wonderful memories of staying in a Gilligan's Island type house on Nusa Lembongan and adventures exploring the hinterland around Ubud. 


Jo enjoys regularly leading tours to Ubud and loves how it always feels like a group of friends travelling together.  The magic of Ubud’ s spirituality and the warmth of it’s people has drawn Jo back many times and eventually led to the creation of Ubud Serenity.


Jo is looking forward to sharing the many super relaxing delights of Ubud and Nusa Lembogan as your guide!

Meet the Team

Amanda recently relocated with her husband and Beagle, from the busyness of Sydney city life, to the calm and beauty of the south coast of NSW to embrace a more creative, coastal life. Here she helps Jo as a consultant and content creator for Ubud Serenity, manages their Airbnb, all while researching and writing her first book that will be a bit travel and adventure, a bit family history and a bit to-be-revealed. ​

Amanda has been to Bali many times (mostly with Jo) and, despite decades travelling the world, regards Ubud as the best place to have a ‘wellness week’ doing some of her favourite things: yoga, massage, eating delicious healthy food and reading by the pool.


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